Here's the brutal truth about photography:

There are WAY too many photographers that think "great photos" are enough. They think:

"If I take really good photos, the clients will come..."

If only it were that easy...

As photographers, we work really hard to get good at photography. And we believe that the photographers that take the best photos should be the ones that get the most clients


So we get out and shoot...

And we post our photos on Instagram…

We get out and shoot some more…

And post photos on our website…

Hoping that IF we create the best photos possible, people will see the good work that we do...and the clients will come pouring in.

And then we WAIT for our dream clients to come to us...

But unfortunately, they never “just” come...

Our Instagram following doesn't grow. We don't get any clients reaching out to work with us. And we're stuck wondering how other photographers do it.

Is that your story right now? Is that why you're here?

Have you ever thought...

"I have good photos, but HOW do I get clients to FIND ME?"

If this sounds familiar, that’s because ALL OF US as photographers go through it…including me. I was in that same situation just a few years ago.

My name is Jared Walker, and I’m the founder of Find Amazing—a company focused on helping photographers and creators follow their passion and get paid to do what they love.

Just four short years ago I was working at a full-time day job, stuck in a cubicle…wishing I was out taking photos and traveling the world.

So I decided to make a change.

As a very risk-averse person, the idea of leaving a full-time job with steady income and benefits (especially with a wife and kids at home) was TERRIFYING! Even just transitioning to a part-time position to focus more on freelance work was really scary for me. But it ended up being one of the best decisions I EVER made.

At first as a photographer and small business owner I struggled to find clients. I researched articles online, I watched YouTube videos, and I purchased a ton of online courses. But still it was HARD to figure out how to find photography clients, let alone my IDEAL photography clients.

I tried the Instagram thing...doing what all the "experts" were saying. I posted my very best photos consistently...every single day for six months straight. I spent the time to write meaningful captions, to research relevant hashtags, and to reply to every single comment that I received. But I didn't get a single client reaching out to me. And when I reached out to them, they either didn't care or just wanted me to do work for free.

And I got rejected...A LOT.

I reached out to a lot of companies, but most never got back to me. And the ones that did get back to me would say "We'll keep you in mind", and then I'd never hear from them again. And when I finally did get through to a client...again, they'd end up wanting me to do work for free.

I had to learn the hard way how to find my IDEAL photography clients. The clients that LOVED my work and were willing to pay GOOD MONEY for it.

So it took a lot of persistence and hard work, but eventually I learned the secrets that helped me find more to find my IDEAL clients, how to best reach out to them, how to write pitch emails (that got replies), how to price my work, how to close sales (even as an introvert)...and most of all, how to find the clients that LOVED and APPRECIATED my work...and how to offer them real value that they couldn't resist.

And it sounds a little crazy to be saying it now, especially looking back at where I was a few years ago, but...

I’ve been able to create the dream job and lifestyle that I’ve always wanted.

Now I get to travel the world for photo and video shoots, I work remotely, I have a flexible schedule, and most importantly I only work on the kinds of projects that I want to. And for me, I can’t put a price tag on that kind of FREEDOM.

And I want to help you build your dream career and dream life as well. That's why I've created this course about how to find photography clients. I want to share my experience and the secrets I've learned about the best ways to find your ideal photography clients.

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Introduction

    • Initial Survey

  • 02

    Success Mindset

    • Passion

    • Overcoming Fear

    • The Ultimate Goal

  • 03

    Business Plan

    • Choosing Your Niche

    • Your Ideal Client

    • Consumer Clients

    • Business Clients

    • Validate

  • 04

    Finding Clients

    • Portfolio

    • Finding Strategies

    • Finding Clients - Consumer

    • Finding Clients - Business

  • 05

    Sales and Pricing

    • Stop Selling Start Serving

    • Pitching and Closing

    • How to Price

  • 06


    • Moving Forward