Not too long ago I felt like I had gotten to a pretty good spot in my career.

As a filmmaker and photographer I was doing a lot of traveling, I was doing client work for some really cool brands, and things were going really well. And at the time I had a bunch of exciting projects in the works. 

And then COVID-19 happened.

The pandemic with the coronavirus happened, and suddenly within a couple of weeks basically the WHOLE WORLD changed and went to a standstill. Travel bans went into place. Stay-at-home orders went into place. The economy went into a recession, with millions of people losing their jobs. Any work involving travel basically disappeared overnight. Companies tightened their belts and cut marketing budgets. And client work dried up and disappeared…

And those projects that I was SO excited about were all of a sudden gone. It wasn’t safe to travel, it wasn’t safe to get together with other people, to do shoots...and eventually everyone ended up stuck at home.

And I’m sure this sounds really familiar to you.

I’ve heard from a lot of other creators that have been facing the same thing. Losing client work. Losing sponsorship deals. Trips cancelled. Projects cancelled. A lot of people had their WHOLE BUSINESS based on client work or travel, and then had all that income DISAPPEAR.

People didn't know how they were going to pay the bills…they didn't know how they were going to survive. Definitely a tough and depressing time, with a lot of people struggling…and a lot of really difficult challenges.

For me…yes, some of the projects I was really excited about didn’t end up happening. Some of my client work dried up. And I ended up losing a big chunk of my income. But overall I was doing alright. I had enough to provide for my family, which was the most important thing.

But a lot of other people were really struggling.

And I tried to think of ways that I could help. I especially wanted to help OTHER CREATORS that were struggling. I wanted to help creators find a way to bring in another source of income. A good source of income that they could get up and running fairly quickly…to help them through this tough time with COVID, the recession, and everything else going on.

So I decided to make this course.

This is a course that teaches you how you can create and launch your own online course. It will lead you step-by-step through the process of creating an online course in just that you can get another source of income as fast as possible to help you through these tough and uncertain times.

“One of the best courses I've ever taken. It's straightforward, helpful, and easy to understand. It places focus on pushing you to DO rather than just talking at you. If you want to be able to set up your own course in the quickest time possible, this is definitely for you!”

Food and Travel Blogger

Gina C.

Now, you might have some hesitations about making an online course…and I’ll be honest, I think everyone does. Here are some of the common concerns that I’ve heard:

1. “I don’t know enough to teach a course” or “I’m not an expert”

This is something I had a problem with when I was making my first course. I thought I had to be the best at what I was teaching…that I had to be an expert. But here’s the don’t need to be an expert or the best in the world at what you do in order to teach someone something.

Think about where you are in your journey, and then think about someone that’s at the very beginning of theirs. If they’re just starting out, there’s so much they need to learn. Even if you have just a couple years, or a year, or even a few months headstart on them…that means you have a ton of learning and experience that you can share with them.

If your students could skip some of the mistakes that you’ve made…or if they could take a few months of your experience and learn it in a couple of days…or if they could take years of experience and learn it in a week…how much is that worth?

That is worth so much TO THEM. For someone that’s just starting out, they would LOVE to be where you are in your journey.

And honestly, sometimes it’s better to be a little closer to the level of the students that you’re trying to teach. I’ve taken courses before where the teacher was WAY beyond the level I was at. And because of that they were out of touch with what I really needed as a student. Whereas if you’ve recently gone through the process and the experiences that your student is going through, you’ll have a much better idea on how to help them.

2. “There are other people already teaching this topic”

This used to happen to me. I’d come up with a great idea for something. I’d be super excited about it. But then I’d do a search on Google…and there’d be something just like my idea already out there. And I’d get all deflated…and I wouldn’t follow through on that idea.

But here’s the thing I’ve learned over time. If there are other people doing the same thing already, that means people want that thing—there’s a market for it…there’s demand for it. So if someone is already teaching about your topic, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact it could be a good thing, because it means that there are people interested in that topic. It means there are people that are willing to pay money to learn about that topic.

And even if you’re teaching the same general topic as someone else, it will never be the same as theirs…because you are different, and the experiences you’ve had are different. You have your own individual perspective on the topic and your own advice to share. And so as a result, your course will be unique and different from anyone else’s course.

3. “I don’t know how to make everything work” (the content, the technology, the marketing, etc.)

That’s why I made this course. I’ll show you step-by-step how to create and launch your course. I’ll walk you through everything you need to know. That’s the value that I’m offering YOU in this course.

If you wanted to you could do all this on your own. You could research and learn how to create a course on your own...and if you stuck with it you could probably do it all by yourself in a few months. But I’m saving you the time, effort, and frustration of having to do it yourself. I'm taking you step-by-step through the whole process that took me more than a few months to do on my own the first time.

And with my help and experience guiding you through the process, we can get you a finished course in just weeks.

I’ll walk you through all the steps needed in order to post your lessons, set up your course platform, and everything else you need to get your course up and running. The process will end up being simple and easy with my help. And if you run into any problems I’m always available through email, messaging and office hours to help.

4. “Making an online course will take too long"

It's true that making an online course can take a long time if you haven't done it before or if you don't have someone to help you along the way. It took me months to create my first online course...and it really was a struggle because I didn't have anyone helping me.

But the whole point of this course is to lead you step-by-step through the process so that you don't have to do it on your own. You don't have to learn the hard way. And yes, with my help it's possible to do it in just weeks, not months. I've tested it, and I've created an online course myself in just a few weeks in order to be confident to say that.

But really it's up to you how fast you get your course done. If you're serious, and you work hard, and you follow my instructions...then yes, you can do it in weeks, not months. And I've created a course calendar, checklist, and workbook that lead you through each step to help you stay on track if you want to do the same.

One last thing...

Imagine for a second that you just completed this course. You put in the time and the work, you created your own online course, and you just launched it. And you just let your audience know that it’s live...

And now people start signing up.

First one person joins, then two, then three…and more are still coming in.

Imagine that…

Not only did you just get your first sales, but you just helped those just helped them on the path to changing their lives for the better.

Imagine that feeling.

Imagine them telling you afterwards how you helped them. How you took something that didn't seem possible for them and through your course you made it possible. And you helped them make a change in their life.

That’s powerful. And that’s the kind of influence for good your course can have. Honestly, that's priceless for your students.

And how much is it worth to you?

Well, not only do you get that feeling of being able to help a whole lot of people, but you also get to bring in another source of income. A source of income that helps you have financial stability and FREEDOM.

So is this course worth it?

Let me ask you this:

- If all this course did was give you another source of income, would it be worth it?
- If all this course did was give you the opportunity to change other people’s lives, would it be worth it?
- If all this course did was give you the opportunity to travel more, or give you MORE TIME to do whatever you want, would it be worth it?

No one said that making a change in your life would be easy. But if you're serious about it and willing to put in the work, it will end up being worth it.

If you're ready to get going, just click the link below!

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Section 01 - 02 Why Online Courses_v02

  • 02

    Course Topic

    • Section 02 - 01 What You Love

    • Section 02 - 04 Narrow Down

    • Section 02 - 02 What You Know

    • Section 02 - 03 What They Need

  • 03

    Course Outline

    • Section 03 - 02 Course Transformation

    • Section 03 - 01 Define Your Audience

    • Section 03 - 03 Steps and Lessons

    • Section 03 - 04 Course Name_v02

  • 04

    Technology and Equipment

    • Section 04 - 03 Pricing

    • Section 04 - 02 Course Platform

    • Section 04 - 01 Email

    • Section 04 - 04 Sales Page

    • Section 04 - 05 Equipment

  • 05


    • Section 05 - 01 Why Pre-Sell

    • Section 05 - 03 Feedback

    • Section 05 - 02 Launch Pre-Sale

  • 06

    Create Course

    • Section 06 - 04 Export

    • Section 06 - 01 Script

    • Section 06 - 02 Film

    • Section 06 - 03 Edit

  • 07

    Launch Course

    • Section 07 - 03 Conclusion

    • Section 07 - 02 Promote

    • Section 07 - 01 Launch